IGCSE / International Board
IGCSEs are globally recognized qualifications that are very similar to GCSEs (which are only recognized in the UK). Because IGCSEs are internationally focused, they typically do not include any coursework.
The Cambridge IGCSE curriculum provides a variety of pathways for students of various abilities, including those whose first language is not English.
Cambridge IGCSE expands learners’ knowledge, understanding, and skills in the following areas:
subject matter
Using knowledge and understanding in both new and familiar situations
Independent investigation
Flexibility and adaptability to change
Working and communicating in English has an impact on outcomes.
Cultural understanding
CBSE Board
CBSE considers students’ overall development in accordance with the holistic approach to education.
Curriculum provides students with a broad and balanced understanding of subjects such as languages, mathematics, science, and social science, allowing them to effectively CBSE communicate, analyze information, make informed decisions, construct their worldview in accordance with constitutional values, and progress toward becoming productive citizens.
CBSE’s recent emphasis has been on the development of 21st-century skills in environments where each student feels independent, safe, and at ease with their learning. The Board hopes that schools will try to align curriculum so that students feel more connected to it and can apply what they’ve learned in real-life situations. To achieve this goal, children must gain adequate knowledge and skills in other core areas such as Health and Physical Education, Life Skills, Values Education, Art Education, and Work Education.
In practice, the secondary curriculum is learner-centered, with school serving as a place for students to develop various skills such as self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities, and sportsmanship.

NIOS Board
The NIOS is complete online in terms of registration and admission, the exams happen twice a year and one gets 5 chances to clear the same. The course material is delivered to your address.
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) provides opportunities to interested students by offering the following Courses/Programs of Study via open and distance learning (ODL).
Open Basic Education (OBE) Program for 14+ year olds, adolescents, and adults at the A, B, and C levels, which correspond to classes III, V, and VIII in the formal school system.
Course in Secondary Education
Course in Senior Secondary Education
Courses/Programs in Vocational Education
Programs for Personal Development